Call me: 650-378-9014
Welcome! San Mateo Wildlife Removal is a full-service pest control company specializing only in the removal of nuisance animals in San Mateo, California. Whether you have a problem with squirrels in the attic, a raccoon in your garbage, skunks under your shed, rats or mice in your house, a snake in your yard, or a problem with birds or bats, we can solve it! We are fully trained and know everything about the wildlife of California. We answer our phone 24/7, and can schedule a same-day or next day appointment. Call us at 650-378-9014 and see why we are voted San Mateo's best animal removal company! Some of the services we offer include:
- Humane Animal Trapping & Relocation
- Home, Roof, and Attic Inspections
- Preventative and Animal Damage Repairs
- Attic Cleanup, Feces Cleanup, Odor Control
- San Mateo, CA Snake Removal
- Poison-free Rat & Mouse Control - Permanent
- Bat Removal and Bird Control
- Dead Animal Carcass Removal
CALL US ANY TIME AT 650-378-9014
When a critter makes its way into your home, it most likely means they’ll only be bringing trouble around. They may be carrying diseases without you knowing, which can be spread through direct contact with their droppings and the like. They could also destroy the property due to the habit of chewing onto items around the property. In some cases, it is urgent to be able to get the critter out of the home particularly because of the damage they may be causing. Our company keeps services open 24 hours a day with a phone staff ready to pick up your calls and a team prepared for emergency cases. Faster service is available as well, wherein you can have your appointment made and booked on the same day or the next. While our specialization focuses on the removal of animals such as mammals and reptiles, we are open to emergency removal services for complicated animals such as bats, snakes and the like. At our company, we encourage the use of humane methods when excluding animals from a property. As much as we can, we refrain from using harmful traps and poison to get the critters out. Instead, we use live traps and other strategies that won’t involve any harming of the animals. However, there may be instances that even we cannot prevent from happening. In the event that the animal had already died before the exclusion process, we offer dead animal removal services for both inside and outside buildings that come with odor control and cleanup. Sanitation is also conducted after the removal of an animal from the property, along with replacements and repairs if necessary.
What Prices Do We Charge?
Every wildlife situation is different: What type of animals? do you need trapping, prevention, repairs, cleanup? Call us and we can give pricing for your situation.

We are experts in the wild animals of California. We treat these animals with respect, in a humane manner. We are not a typical San Mateo exterminator company. We focus on complete solutions, and have experience with every type of unwanted critter in San Mateo, CA. Example animals we handle include:
- San Mateo animals in the attic like squirrels
- San Mateo rodent extermination - no poisons
- San Mateo bat removal and San Mateo bird control
- San Mateo snake removal, San Mateo dead animal removal
San Mateo wildlife control Tip of the Month:
How Effective Are Mothballs, Ammonia at Keeping Bats Away from My Home?
If you search on the Internet, you are going to read a lot of articles about potential solutions to keep bats away from your home or business. It seems like there are literally "thousands" of experts out there who can assure you that their techniques will work. One you are going to read a lot about is the use of ammonia or mothballs. There is a lot of support for these ideas, which may make you wonder if either of these products work in repelling bats?
The Science Is Sound
One thing you are going to find that is true about many of the remedies you will read about is that the science behind them sounds quite plausible. Both ammonia and the chemicals inside mothballs are irritating to a bat. They cause the olfactory nerves of the animal to become irritated and agitated, which should force the animal to flee. Does it?
The Reality of Their Use
There are actually many problems with using these products. It starts with the quantity that is necessary to be able to have any kind of impact on bats. Consider that these are flying animals. Very quick and agile flying animals. A bat can easily change directions and move away from something that is irritating to it. Your use of ammonia may have an impact on a bat that is coming directly toward your back door, but the animal can quickly change directions, swooping up high and then coming back around to another part of your house. Your solution would be to use either the mothballs or ammonia all over your property, but consider that for a moment. Both of these products are extremely dangerous to vegetation. You would have to put out a lot of either one of them to be able to keep the bats away, but think of the impact that would have on your lawn, bushes, or trees. It would literally kill them all. If you have a garden, it is as good as done for. The first time that it rains these chemicals are going to seep into the ground and could get into your garden. If it doesn't kill your fruits and vegetables, it will most assuredly lead to you becoming sick the moment you ate any of these fruits or vegetables. Then there is the added problem of the smell. Neither ammonia nor mothballs smell particularly good. If you have ever been inside a men's bathroom where they use urinal cakes, you fully understand how strong the smell of ammonia is. Imagine the smell across your property every day. Not only will it keep bats away, but it is likely to keep away your friends, family, and neighbors as well. You will literally have the toilet of the neighborhood. While the science sounds good, these are not products you should use to protect your home against bats. You need to look for something that is much more effective and doesn't have the side effects that these offer.
Read our article about:
Damage Rats Cause in Attics
We service local towns such as Foster City, Belmont, Burlingame, San Carlos, Millbrae. If in doubt about our service range near San Mateo, or the wildlife services we offer, give us call at 650-378-9014. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you with your San Mateo pest control critter problem! 1009 S Railroad Ave, San Mateo, CA 94402